Miksi valita kvartsitaso? Kvartsin edut

what's the quartz






Kvartsi, muokattu kvartsi, keinotekoinen kvartsi, keinotekoinen kvartsi kuvaavat olennaisesti samaa tuotetta, tekokiven tyyppiä, joka koostuu tyypillisesti noin 90-97% luonnollisesta kvartsista, joka sekoitetaan hartsin ja pigmentin kanssa ainutlaatuisen ilmeen luomiseksi. Markkinoilla on monia erilaisia ihmisen kvartsimerkkejä, joista jokainen tarjoaa erilaisia värejä ja tyylejä, jotka auttavat sinua saavuttamaan ihanteellisen ilmeen. Goldtop Kvartsi on yksi parhaista Kiinan kivitoimittajista, sillä on enemmän kuin muilla yrityksillä Kvartsi Colors and Patterns.


Miksi valita






1. Eri värejä 

During the production of quartz, the pigments are added to change its colour, add patterns and veins. Because of that, quartz has the widest colour selection on the market. In its range, you will be able to find almost any colour you want.



2. Erilaisia kuvioita  

Kvartsi can have veining, granulation or be a completely solid colour. In Goldtop Kvartsi Stone range,you can find everything from the very pronounced patterns, to the ones that are very subtle and dimmed.




3. Ei-huokoinen  

Kvartsi is an engineered stone made of natural quartz and resins. The resins act as a sealant- they make a waterproof surface. For that reason, quartz doesn’t need to be sealed.




4. Kestävyys  

Kvartsi is one of the hardest materials, ranking 7th on the Mohs scale. Kvartsi will not break under pressure or high impacts of force.




5. Helppo puhdistaa 

If you want a material you don't have to waste too much time to clean.The engineered quartz is the best choice for you.Thanks to the nonporous surface,you can use soap,water or a soft cloth to clean.



6. Kestää värjäytymistä 

Even the most persistent liquids will not be able to leave a stain on quartz stone. Just beware not to leave liquids like coffee or wine sitting for too long, because they will be removed more difficultly.



7. Yhtenäinen ilme

Kvartsi patterns are more uniformed compared to patterns on granite or marble. Kvartsi can be also bookmatched, which means that the two connecting surfaces mirror each other. That is a great way to make your kitchen or bathroom one of a kind.




8. Hinta  

Generally speaking, quartz has a lower price point than its competitors, such as natural stones, although it performs similarly. The prices are varying from colour to colour; the rarer the colour is, the more expensive it will be.

9. Voidaan käyttää moniin tarkoituksiin 

Engineered quartz stone can be used for kitchen and kylpyhuoneen työtasos, tiles, wall cladding…The only restriction is that it is not recommended for outdoor use.
If you were looking for high-quality material for your new kitchen or bathroom,look no further and choose quartz. Kvartsi has the best quality-price ratio and you will have no hard times choosing your perfect colour.